Electrolysis is a method used for permanent hair removal on hairs that can't be treated with waxing or laser techniques. By inserting a solid hair-thin stainless steel probe into each hair follicle, heat is delivered directly to the follicle causing the gradual destruction of the matrix which in effect stops hair growth.
Does it hurt?
Electrolysis is not a painful procedure. You will feel a slight heat sensation. On extremely sensitive areas, we will apply a topical numbimg cream.
How many treatments are needed?
In order to achieve permanent hair removal, the treatment needs to be done regularly at least once a week. It takes 1-5 times of treating the same hair, in order to be permanently removed. Variations to this can be caused due to previous hair removal methods used.
Is it permanent?
Electrolysis provides permanent hair removal if the client is constant with the treatments.
What skin types can be treated?
With Electrolysis, we can treat all types of skins.
Which hair colors can be treated?
With Electrolysis, we can treat all colors of hairs. White hairs as well as dark hairs.
Can it be done over tattooed areas?
Yes. We can perform electrolysis over tattooed areas in which you wish to have hair permanently removed.
Are there any post treatment reactions?
Post treatment reactions can range from redness of the treated area, white bumps (dermographia) and slight swelling on areas with a thin epidermis.
Other more severe reactions are scabs, but they will heal within 2 weeks. (Very rare)
Are there any after treatment care needs?
It is recommended that you apply lotions such as vitamin E cream or Aloe for atleast 2 days after the treatments. Also, it is recommended that you avoid sun exposure, heavy make up and facials for atleast 24 hours after treatment.